
Showing posts from September, 2020

Powerful software can help biotech companies through the COVID-19 pandemic

The whole world knows without a doubt, restraint of movement and travel will have a major effect on the economy, businesses, and the supply chain. Take the pharmaceutical industry as an instance. China has a major share in world trade, and now that its factories are stopped and there is a forbid on travel, companies are incapable to export products. On the other end of the supply chain, companies cannot buy raw materials made in China for medications, effecting drug supply. Also, it has affected the biopharma and biotech companies. And there are challenges around us everywhere: working distantly and social distancing has had an important effect on numerous types of businesses. For those in the science society, isolating and working in this novel way means productivity is acutely limited. There are several jobs where working remotely presents troubles, and science is one of them. Scientists require being at the bench to continue their work; that’s somewhere where the equipment is, the...

Will Qualis LIMS adapt to viral testing

QuaLIS LIMS by Agaram Solutions is software for Laboratory Information Management Systems. It provides solutions to a wide variety of issues to industries with laboratory needs. Due to its wide range of providing solutions, and the LIMS Software containing a large storage space, QualisLIMS is capable of taking up the job and test for a virus on a larger scale. How the new Portable Disease Surveillance Lab kit  will make an impact on Covid-19. The LIMS Software manages samples of patients or samples which are due to testing in the labs and provide the proper storage with receipts for future references.  LIMS Software provides specification management which leads to testing samples, tests, formula, MDL, and a lot more. To add to the management facilities, LIMS software tracks the records of the patients and checks them when necessary.  Moreover, the test results are ordered, checked, reviewed, and even re-ordered if needed before reporting the incident and managing ...