
Showing posts from March, 2019

LIMS for Quality Control labs

A laboratory information management system provides services that support modern laboratory’s operations. The services that are provided include data exchange interfaces that provide complete support in current environments. The uses of a LIMS have developed since the beginning from sample tracking to an enterprise resource planning tool that manages multiple aspects of laboratory informatics. A LIMS stays active and up to date because the laboratory’s requirements change at a fast pace, and as a result LIMS attends to different needs for different laboratories, making it an evolving concept. Laboratories depend on a LIMS to manage data, assign rights, manage inventory, etc. Having a LIMS software solutions can prevent laboratory equipment from the error of maintenance or calibration which may not be possible to find using a paper-based lab solution. In the event of equipment maintenance malfunction, you would need to perform additional tests to prove that the system was compat...