LIMS for Quality Control labs

A laboratory information management system provides services that support modern laboratory’s operations. The services that are provided include data exchange interfaces that provide complete support in current environments. The uses of a LIMS have developed since the beginning from sample tracking to an enterprise resource planning tool that manages multiple aspects of laboratory informatics. A LIMS stays active and up to date because the laboratory’s requirements change at a fast pace, and as a result LIMS attends to different needs for different laboratories, making it an evolving concept. Laboratories depend on a LIMS to manage data, assign rights, manage inventory, etc.

Having a LIMS software solutions can prevent laboratory equipment from the error of maintenance or calibration which may not be possible to find using a paper-based lab solution. In the event of equipment maintenance malfunction, you would need to perform additional tests to prove that the system was compatible. This may be time consuming and also expensive. Whereas, a LIMS solution can avoid this by using its operations to send samples or assign instruments that are already maintained in the approved manner and also by managing maintenance scheduling. It also helps that LIMS platforms can be arranged to assign work to those analysts that are experts in their field of work.

Experts state that working with paper-based systems for QA labs is no longer cost or time- effective, though it exists in theory. The usage of analytics software helps analyze results with a greater depth of business intelligence, extract historical data to understand the beginning of issues and how they can be prevented.

A LIMS solution that is built for QC laboratory will deliver the functionality that is necessary to connect several labs and instruments and combine with already existing enterprise systems such as Quality Management Systems (QMS) and Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES). This can help your lab with the processing and quality control associated with the sample and the utilized equipment and inventory.

The bottom line is data integrity and instrument integration. It is critical for any laboratory to verify the quality standards for the product that they manufacture and that it meets all the regulatory requirements. To achieve this, it is important for your data to be original, accurate and contemporaneous.


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